Reflection 6

After reading the Horizon Report, I realize that Augmented reality is something that will change the world. It will make learning easier for everyone because information will become instantly available. Augmented reality allows educator’s to shape how students “see” the world. This means that AR is obviously a very powerful tool that needs to be utilized in the correct ways. Enhancing learning environments by producing new experiences of the world while creating a blended reality is something that we should become good at.


Augmented reality is a part of my life and is more than likely part of everyone’s in the U.S. whether they realize it or not. I am personally fascinated in how often it occurs in television. I am an avid sports fan and I had no idea how much Augmented reality is in sports TV. All the lines and diagrams drawn and shown on screen used by analysts and commentators are part of augmented reality. Weather channels also frequently use augmented reality to help show us the forecasts. Movies and children’s TV are other types of television that AR is common in. While augmented reality is very important to education and learning, it is also used in entertainment. However, even the sports diagrams and lines drawn are there for the purpose of helping us see the real world in a different view.


I liked how Jim was very knowledgeable about the subject of augmented reality. I enjoyed him including examples such as the one with Brandon Stokely, the NFL football player, in order to help us grasp a better understanding of augmented reality. I had read pieces regarding augmented reality before hearing Jim’s talk, but listening to Jim’s talk really made things click as to how widespread and useful that augmented reality is in everyday life.ImageImage

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